Asbury Park has two pavilions available for rent. The Wagner Pavilion (holds up to 65 people) and the Sullivan Pavilion (holds up to 50 people).
Cloie Creek Park also has one pavilion to rent and it holds up to 48 people. The rental of the Cloie Creek Pavilion does not include the splash pad. If the splash pad is closed for any reason your pavilion rental fee will not be refunded.
The City of Asbury will start accepting reservations for calendar year 2025 starting on January 1.
To reserve a pavilion:
You can call City Hall at 563.556.7106 to check if your desired date/time is currently available. If your date is open, the City will place a temporary hold on your date for up to 5 days. To officially reserve any pavilion, please submit an online rental form or complete a hard copy of the Rental Agreement.
Reservations will need to be paid in full to secure your rental date.
Full Details on pavilion rentals can be found here.