Urban Chicken Policy

The keeping of chickens shall be allowed in all Residential districts for female chickens (hens) only for egg production only.  Male chickens (roosters) are prohibited. The following specific standards shall apply:

Special Permit. The keeping of urban chickens requires issuance of a special permit by the City of Asbury. The permit shall be for a period of up to two (2) years. The permit is renewable upon approval of a new application.

Minimum Size. Housing and enclosures shall provide a minimum of four (4) square feet per bird.

Maximum Number.
       1.   In the A-2 Rural Residential District, no more than ten (10) female chickens (hens) per acre.
       2.   In the R-1, R-2, and R-3 Residential districts, no more than six (6) female chickens (hens).

Chicken coop/chicken tractor requirements.
        1.   Chickens shall be secured within a chicken coop/chicken tractor during nonday light hours.
        2.   A chicken coop/chicken tractor shall be designed to provide safe and healthy conditions for the chickens, with a
               minimum of four (4) square feet per bird.
        3.  A chicken coop/chicken tractor shall be enclosed on all sides, and have a roof and doors. Access doors shall be
               able to be shut and locked at night.  Opening windows and vents shall be covered with predator and bird
               proof wire with less than one-inch (1”) openings.

You must submit an official request to the Asbury Building Official for approval.  This request should include a drawing indicating where the chicken coop will be located on your property.  

If approved, this permit for hens is for a period of not to exceed two years from the date of approval.