Stormwater management is a process that focuses on properly managing any form of precipitation that is not readily absorbed into the ground during some type of weather event. While stormwater is often considered in terms of rainfall, this process of watershed management also applies to situations where snowfall melts and creates runoff in city streets and other environments. The goal of stormwater management is to process the excess water in a manner that prevents damage to property and makes it possible for the collected water to be efficiently used in another setting.
There are several reasons why stormwater management is important to protecting the environment. One advantage to this type of activity is that it is possible to slow the rate of erosion that may result from the presence of excessive runoff. Erosion removes layers of soil and can, over time, undermine the foundations of buildings or render farmland unfit for growing crops. Diverting excess water helps to minimize this gradual degradation and keeps property from becoming wasteland.
Another benefit to effective stormwater management is that it helps to limit the amount of pollution that may occur as excess water drains into rivers and lakes. Often, municipal water processing systems are equipped to receive and purify stormwater before it is released for any reason. This process means that the water is cleansed of any elements that could threaten the ecological balance of life in rivers and lakes.
Catfish Creek Watershed Management Authority
Persistent flooding and water quality concerns have led the governmental entities within the Catfish Creek watershed to embrace a cooperative, multi-jurisdictional planning approach. The resulting Catfish Creek Watershed Management Plan details strategies and recommendations for watershed and stormwater management, water quality protection, and stormwater permit compliance. It includes specific implementation strategies and milestones for implementing these recommendations for local governments as well as regional and state agencies.
To Report an Issue
If you would like to report illegal or illicit discharges of non-storm water, non-irrigation runoff to the stormwater system, please call City Hall at 563.556.7106 or submit this online form.
So, where does stormwater go once enters the gutter in the street?

Learn more about our efforts in the 2017 Stormwater Annual Report.
Construction activity is one of the major causes of sediment entering the waterways. The major reasons why construction activities lead to erosion are: exposure of bare soil areas to storm runoff, increased volume of runoff, and changes in surface water patterns adversely affecting the drainage system, slope stability, and effects on existing vegetation.
Proper management of construction activities, as required by local, state, and federal regulations, can minimize soil erosion and control sediment transport. An erosion control provision in a construction site acts as a first line of defense. If the soil is not allowed to erode, there will not be sediment to control. Despite all attempts to minimize, a construction project will most likely leave bare soil exposed to the environment. To prevent soil from leaving the site, measures such as diversion dikes, silt fences, and sediment basins are used.
Erosion Control Permit Application - MAJOR (disturbing more than one acre)
Erosion Control Permit Application - MINOR (disturbing less than one acre)
An illicit discharge is defined as any discharge to the municipal separate storm sewer system that is not composed entirely of stormwater, except for discharges allowed under an NPDES permit or waters used for firefighting operations. These non-discharges occur due to illegal connections to the storm drain system from commercial establishments. As a result of these illicit connections, contaminated wastewater enters into storm drains or directly into local waterways without receiving treatment from a wastewater treatment plant. Illicit connections may be intentional or unknown to the business owner.
These connections are often due to the floor drains connected to the storm drainage system. Additional sources of illicit discharges are failing septic systems, illegal dumping practices, and the improper disposal of sewage from recreational practices such as camping.
Illicit Discharges Include:
• debris
• bacterial growth
• sewage
• iron and other metals
• blood
• paint
• toilet paper
• chromium
• industrial discharge
• septic flow
• toxic chemicals
• foam
• oil
• suds
• construction sites
• rinse water
To Report an Issue
If you would like to report illegal or illicit discharges of non-storm water, non-irrigation runoff to the stormwater system, Please call the City of Asbury Stormwater Hotline (City Hall) at (563) 585-4867, email [email protected] or submit this online form. (How do I?)
The City of Asbury is encouraging and utilizing BMP's as described in the SUDAS Erosion and Sediment Control Manual. There is a lot that can be done to help mitigate stormwater pollution, which can be caused by anything ranging from improper disposal of hazardous materials to overuse of lawn care products. Common sources of pollution include: batteries, fertilizers, household cleaners, motor oil, painting materials, pesticides and pet excrement. For information regarding acceptable practices and designs refer to the Storm Water Manual.
Stormwater runoff from your street, sidewalk and driveway flows directly through storm drains and ditches to streams, wetlands, and lakes. This runoff washes pollutants into surface waters harming water quality and fish habitat.
Your everyday activities can help preserve the health and well-being of nearby waters like Indian Creek & Squaw Creek. Below are some tips to help prevent water pollution from runoff:
• Sweep you walks and driveway instead of hosing them down. Soil, grit and debris from paved surfaces often contain contaminants that pollute water.
• Wash your vehicle on grass or gravel areas to prevent wash water from running into storm drains. Wash water can contain oils and detergents that harm water quality.
• Maintain your vehicle regularly. Oil leaking from vehicles contains toxic metals. Rain picks up these materials and carries them to area streams, lakes, and wetlands where they pollute water and harm fish.
• Recycle used motor oil and dispose of household hazardous waste properly. Call (563) 589-1720 Dubuque Metro Landfill for information on recycling or disposal sites near you. Never dump oil or other hazardous wastes down a storm drain or pour it on the ground.
• Use safe, non-toxic solutions to manage plant problems. For information about effective ways to manage pests with toxic chemicals, call the Dubuque County Extension, Master Gardener at (563) 589-1720.
• Preserve vegetation. Plants filter pollutants from runoff and prevent erosion. Plants near waterways provide habitat for fish and wildlife and shield streams from extreme temperatures.
• Control animal access to streams. Animal wastes degrade water quality and livestock can trample and erode stream banks.
• Buy low phosphate detergents.
• Place trash in the garbage.