
Refuse Pick Up Days

Refuse pick-up is on Wednesday for most of the Asbury community.  Refuse pick up is on Friday if you live in the Centura Court, Arrowhead, Wedgewood, Legacy Heights or Tuscany Ridge neighborhoods.   Your monthly garbage fee is $13.50.  

Refuse Pick Up

Starting in 2021, the City is now offering one 65 gallon brown container with a brown lid will be used at each address.  Each container is marked with a serial number that coordinates with each property.  Containers are to remain with the property.  When ownership changes, the refuse container must remain at the property address it is assigned to.  If containers are removed from the property address, the property owner will be responsible for the cost of the replacement container. 

 Please do not overfill your card and place the cart curbside by 6 a.m. on your collection day.  Please keep all garbage in bags so loose garbage is not missed by the truck.  Each container should be set curbside within 2 feet of the curb with the arrows pointing towards the street.  Carts should be placed on a level, flat surface, leaving 2' between each cart and should not be placed near parked cars, mailboxes, trees or poles.   

If you do have additional refuse, tags can be purchased at Casey's General Store on Asbury Road or Asbury City Hall for $1.25 each.  One tag shall be good for one (1) additional bag of garbage. Please set your refuse and recycling curbside by 6 a.m. on your pick up day.